Whilst you can do much to increase the value of your home by painting the walls and ceilings, you may also want to consider wallpapering your interior walls. Before buying a wallpaper, however, you should check with the retailer about maintenance, hanging, and removal. Consider the area that you are wallpapering when selecting a style as well. That is because various wallpapers wear differently. For instance, you need to include a durable wallpaper in a high-traffic space such as a kitchen or bathroom.
Hand-Printed Designs
Wallpapers are also classified in a variety of ways. For example, machine-printed papers are featured in a large number of patterns. The coverings, which are moderately priced, are available in a wide selection of designs. Whilst these wallpapers are more expensive, they do vary in price. If you choose a hand-printed covering, it typically takes several weeks for delivery.
Washable Wallpapers
Wall coverings are offered that are also washable. Both smoke stains and grease residue can be scrubbed away without damaging the surface area.
Pre-Pasted Wall Coverings
In addition, wallpapers are featured in pre-pasted styles. These coverings save the consumer a lot of effort and time as they are already coated with an adhesive material. You only need to dip the paper into water or use a wet sponge in order to hang it.
Strippable Wallpapers
If you want to choose a wallpaper that is easy to remove, select the strippable variety. The wallpapers can be removed in full strips without the need to steam them or scrape them.
Grass Wall Coverings
You can find out more about the various varieties from wallpaper suppliers in UAE locations and other parts of the world. Suppliers around the globe feature such innovative wallpapers as cushion-backed designs that hide imperfections as well as wallpapers made of grass fabrics. These wallpapers are manufactured with a grass material that is laminated to the paper’s surface. The wallpapers are applied with linings to lengthen their life.
Measuring Your Space
When ordering wallpaper, you need to measure the area where it will be applied and record the distance from the floor to the ceiling. Be sure to measure the surfaces of all the windows and doors that will not be covered by the wallpaper. Follow up by subtracting the measurement. If you choose a patterned paper, order approximately one percent more to make up for any paper waste.
Making A Selection
You will be able to get more paper if you buy a double roll versus two single rolls. When you have this information, you can more easily make a choice for a pattern for your room. Today’s patterns in wallpapers make it easy to select a print that is both stylish and neutral. You should be able to integrate the wallpaper’s design with other spaces in your home. It should also complement the architectural styling of your house.
Enhance Your Décor
Keep neutrality in mind when selecting a wallpaper as you want to make sure you can match it well with your draperies and furnishings. Usually picking a pattern with pale tones such as mint green, light blue, or ivory will provide the desired amount of interest and colour. Deeper colours and tones should be used with care. In other words, you want the wallpaper to enhance the décor and not serve as a distraction.